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Intervention Strategies

"The child with autism is like a Mac in PC world. He's hard-wired differently.  Not incorrectly - just differently. Teach him in a manner meaningful to him." 
Ellen Notbohm author of Ten Things Your Student with Autism Wishes You Knew
Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)
ABA is a scientific problem-solving approach aimed at producing socially significant behavior change and improving quality of life for individuals, families and communities. ABA owes no affiliation with a particular intervention; rather it involves observation of behaviors, data collection, manipulation of antecedents and consequences, and analysis of data in order to change behaviors. Behaviors can be increased or decreased with targeted intervention depending on desirability.  
At Spectrum Learning Solutions, our focus is to increase a child's skill repertoire, thereby replacing challenging behaviors. The various intervention strategies used are applied in conjunction with behavioral principles, as there are a multitude of ways to teach a child. Our focus on progress is what best helps us to determine which teaching tools are most effective for each individual child.

​Discrete Trial Training (DTT)
Often mistakenly synonymous with ABA, DTT involves breaking down larger, more complex skills into smaller, more discrete steps.  Each step is taught individually with repeated opportunities for practice.  Once that discrete skill is mastered, it is then strategically intermixed with other acquired skills for generalization.

Incidental Teaching

Incidental teaching involves arranging a child's environment with materials of interest in order to promote initiation of interaction with others. This strategy is more "child-centered" than DTT, as it relies on a child's interests and his or her motivation to interact with others in the environment. 

Natural Environment Teaching (NET)

NET involves
utilizing principles of Applied Behavior Analysis to teach skills in “the real world”. By following the child’s lead, we learn which activities and materials are of interest to him or her in their natural environment.  Those activities and materials are then used in the moment to teach new skills.


Spectrum Learning Solutions LLC

502 Hwy 17 N

Holly Ridge, NC 28445

T- 910-803-2400

F- 910-803-2401

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